imajaSpace Garden Meditations
Organic/digital screen saver animations and Bliss Paint plug-ins

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Sample Animation 2

This is a small animated 'gif' file that was created from a Bliss Paint QuickTime movie. The 'gif' file is 94K bytes; small size was the goal of this example.

First a QuickTime movie was created in Bliss Paint. The movie only contains color table animation on an image created with scribblers from Space Garden Meditations. There are no scribblers running during the QT movie. This is partly to keep the size of the movie/gif as small as possible. QuickTime's Animation compressor was used with a setting of Thousands of Colors to capture all of the colors of the Bliss color synth. Then GifBuilder 0.5 (a freeware program from Yves Piguet) was used to open the QuickTime movie and convert it to an animated GIF file.